The groom

Hi I am Joost, born in 1982 in Vlissingen. In 2000 I moved to The Hague to study and I also started DJ'ing. The beach was always close by for me. I like to be outside and go kite surfing in big storms or snowboard in big white mountains. I work as an IT consultant in The Hague. I love Formula 1 and the latest tech and gadgets such as drones. I am really looking forward to celebrate with you at our Polish wedding!


The bride

Hi I am Marta, born in 1988 in a small city in southwest Poland. I moved to The Hague in 2008 and fell in love with this big city. I work as a supervisor and travel to Waddinxveen every day. I like to be outside and enjoy nature while hiking and cycling. I love the Netherlands, but miss my Polish friends, family and nature. I am happy to celebrate our love with you in Poland!


We are waiting for..... The adventure

Our love story

Jul 30 2016
Just a regular Saturday night in the summer of 2016. But who could ever think it would be such an important one for Marta and Joost. While Marta -together with big sis Klaudia and party animal Kinga- were in a party mood, Joost -in company of friend Bart- had the same plan. And so Joost and Marta met each other on the dance floor of beach club De Karavaan.
Jul 30 2017
After a memorable night, Joost was eager to invite Marta to his place for a first date. After a lunch together at the beach, Bart joined them and they watched there first F1 race together. The race came to an end, but Joost and Marta's love story had only just started. The time flew and they celebrated 1 year together soon.
Sep 5 2017
For Joost it was time to go to Poland and Marta introduced him to hiking and the beautiful nature around Zakopane.
May 10 2018
After Joost's introduction to hiking, it was time for Marta to get the feeling of kite surfing. Together they went to Oostvoorne, where they hit the water and Marta had a kite surf lesson.
May 29 2019
Days and nights became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years. It was after the landing of an exciting test flight above Texel, that Joost felt it was the right moment to do a proposal to Marta.
May 29 2019
Without a doubt, the answer was YES, sealed with a big kiss! And so here we are, ready for this new chapter in our lives and looking forward to celebrate the start of it with you!
May 29 2019
The formal ceremony in the Netherlands took place in the Old City Hall in The Hague on a beautiful summer day. Surrounded by close family and witnesses it was a great day and a welcome break in times of a pandemic. And the wait could begin until the big wedding party.

We are going to... Celebrate Our Love

Wedding Event


  • Stara Kruszarnia
    ul, Złota 5, 57-250 Złoty Stok, Poland
  • May 28 2022, 15:00

The wedding ceremony (slub) will take place at Stara Kruszarnia in Złoty Stok, Poland. Special about this location is it's beautiful surroundings of nature and a former gold mine, which you can visit! There is even the only Polish underground waterfall.

See location


  • Stara Kruszarnia
    ul, Złota 5, 57-250 Złoty Stok, Poland
  • May 28 2022, after the ceremony till late

Be prepared for a typical Polish wedding party (wesele). Lots of delicious food, drinks, music and fun are waiting for you!

See location


  • Stara Kruszarnia
    ul, Złota 5, 57-250 Złoty Stok, Poland
  • May 29 2022, 09:00 - 13:00

The day after there is a breakfast buffet at the same location as the party. A great moment to look back together on the previous day and night, to start your Sunday well and to say goodbye!

See location

Groomsmen & Bridesmaid

Zagryź Best Friend


Bart Friend




CHRIS Brother

Groomsmen, Masters of Ceremony

MICHAŁ Brother

Groomsmen, Masters of Ceremony


Bridesmaid, Masters of Ceremony

BEATA Friend


KINGA Friend


LUZ Friend




Getting There


Złoty Stok is situated next to the Czech border in the southwest of Poland.
By car it's a 20km (20min) drive from Marta's birthplace Ząbkowice Śląskie and a 87km (1h20min) drive from Wrocław.
Złoty Stok is a 1000km drive from Utrecht, The Netherlands. Our Dutch guests who prefer to fly to Wrocław can count on a shuttle bus from the airport to Złoty Stok.


In and around Złoty Stok there are various accommodations available, from high to medium low comfort levels. We are currently contacting these places to arrange the best accommodation for our guests. We will share more details soon.


Here you find inspiration for gifts that would make us truly happy.


Formal marriage

On July 30, 2020, we were legally married in the Netherlands in the Old Town Hall of The Hague. Because of the pandemic this had to be done in a small circle, but the wedding ceremony was still very beautiful. Our friend Nikolaus Macheck captured this beautiful summer day for us in a great way.

Because our wedding party in 2022 will take a while, we would like to give you a small preview of some photos of our wedding day in 2020.

Poland, good to know / Polska, warto wiedziec

MONEY / Valuta

Zloty (zl, PLN)
1 PLN‚ = 100 groszy (gr)
1 Euro = 4,5 zloty (depending on exchange rate)

coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 gr – 1, 2, 5 PLN
banknotes 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 PLN
Exchange currency:

  • - banks
  • - money exchange offices – are named ‘Kantor’ or ‘Exchange’ and can be oftend found in city centers, stations and airports. Sometimes hotels offer a better echange rate than banks do.

Are popular and widely available with the exception of very small towns and villages, usually open 24 hours. There are a few in Złoty Stok.

Bank cards
These are popular and both types of payment are accepted: relief (Visa, Mastercard) and electronic (Visa Electron, Maestro). You can use them in supermarkets, gas stations (all), restaurants, hotels, in many shops and in the big cities in the taxi too. But that is not yet the rule and one must therefore be prepared to pay in cash.

Woordenboek / Slowniczek

Slub Trouwen
Wesele Trouwerij
Tak Ja
Nie Nee
Kocham cie Ik hou van jou
Nowozency Bruidspaar
Panna mloda Bruid
Pan mlody Bruidegom
Zona Echtgenote
Maz Echtgenoot
Slub; malzenstwo Bruiloft; huwelijk
Swiadek; swiadkowa Getuige
Gratulacje! Gefeliciteerd!
Wszystkiego najlepszego! Hartelijk gefeliciteerd!

Obiad i wesele Diner en het feest
Kelner Ober
Zupa Soep
Ziemniaki Aardappels
Kotlet Kotelet
Tak, prosze … Ja graag...
Nie, dziekuje Nee dank u
Mozesz mi podac… Kun je mij ... aangeven?
Sol Zout
Pieprz Peper
Sok Sap
Woda Water
Kawa Koffie
Herbata Thee
Kieliszek Glas
Butelka Fles
Wodka Wodka
Wino Wijn
Piwo Bier
Na zdrowie! Proost!
Podaj swoj kieliszek Geef me je glas
Wypilem juz wystarczajaco Ik heb genoeg gedronken
Jestem pijany Ik ben dronken
Ja juz nie pije Ik drink niet meer

Zatanczysz? Wil je dansen?
Tanczyc Dansen
Spiewac Zingen
(Nie) spac (Niet) slapen

Rozne Andere
Czesc Hallo
Dzien dobry Goedemorgen
Do widzenia Tot ziens
Jak masz na imie? Wat is je naam?
Nazywam sie… Mijn naam is ...
Milo cie poznac Aangenaam
Skad jestes? Waar kom je vandaan?
Kto to jest? Wie is dat?
Rodzina Familie
Znajomi Vrienden
To jest moja zona/moj maz Dit is mijn vrouw/man
Moja mama / moj tata Mijn moeder/vader
Mi rodzice Mijn ouders
Moj brat/moja siostra Mijn broer/zus
Moj szwagier/ moja bratowa Mijn schoonbroer/schoonzus
Moj wujek/moja ciocia Mijn oom/tante
Moj kuzyn/ moja kuzynka Mijn neef/nicht
Moj syn/moja córka Mijn zoon/dochter
Dziekuje Dank u wel
Przepraszam Sorry; pardon
Prosze Alstublieft
Gdzie jest toaleta? Waar is het toilet?
Nie rozumiem Ik begrijp het niet

Uitspraak tips:

Ook handig: installeer de Google translate app op je telefoon!